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by Willie Waffle

Under The Tuscan Sun

When you go to the movies as much as I do, you end up sitting in audiences you normally don't belong to and seeing movies you normally wouldn't spend the bucks to see. This is what happened to me when I went to see Under The Tuscan Sun. As the lone male among the sea of women who anxiously lined up to see the film, I was a girls-night-out invader who was not going to be welcomed into the pack no matter how charming and witty I was. I was on their turf.

I am not going to say that this is a female friendly movie or chick flick, but it is safe to say that guys won't face a long line at the men's room. This is a movie that targets women, and if you really want to impress your girlfriend/fiancée/wife/date, take her to see Under The Tuscan Sun. You'll have a good time, and she'll love it. The big secret about this one is that it's a great movie for men and women.

Diane Lane stars as Frances Mayes - a forty-ish writer, professor and literary critic whose life is thrown into complete upheaval when she gets divorced. Instead of staying home and crying herself to sleep every night, Frances's friends convince her to take a tour of Italy to get away from things and take her mind off her problems. While there, she impulsively decides to buy a home in Tuscany, even though she doesn't know the language and the house is a disaster.

Is it the solution to all of her problems, or the start of new ones?

Under The Tuscan Sun is one of the most heartwarming, funny, touching films I have seen in years. I realize this is a movie that women will flock to, but men should take a chance as well. The movie celebrates life, love, and adventure in a magical way that will sweep the audience off its feet. I hate to say that it's a life-affirming movie, but it is one that makes you feel good inside when the credits have rolled and you're on your way back to the car.

In recent movies, Lane has played the type of character that allows women to live vicariously through her as she lives out their fantasies. The same is true here, but Under The Tuscan Sun also carries a message that men and women can relate to and enjoy. She's a hero who is facing the toughest struggles in life with a stout heart and strong will. Lane is able to combine equal parts romantic, flirt, vulnerable lady and tough guy to make a character that the audience is pulling for the entire way. Luckily, writer/director Audrey Welles (based on the book by Frances May) gives us a wonderful group of supporting characters and dialogue that makes the film so enjoyable.

Once of the best parts of Under The Tuscan Sun is the crazy cast of characters surrounding Frances during her adventure. Each one has a fun subplot that keeps the movie rolling along, and Welles throws in some wonderful narrative from Lane to fully explain the situations and feelings that she is experiencing. Add to that some lush, beautifully shot scenes of Italy, and you'll be on the next plane to Tuscany if you have once ounce of blood in your veins.

Under The Tuscan Sun is a magical film that you should see this weekend. Go NOW!!!! Grade: A

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