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by Willie Waffle

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Strangers With Candy

Amy Sedaris stars as Jerry – a recently released prisoner returning to the free world after spending 32 years in the big house.  She arrives at her family home looking for a happy reunion, but nothing is as it was.  Jerry’s mother died when the then young lady was sent to jail, and her father (Dan Hedaya) went into a stress coma.  To get Dad back to normal, Jerry goes back to high school to be the good girl she never was. 

Can Jerry win the science fair and get Dad out of a coma?

Strangers With Candy is a twisted version of an afterschool special that is filthier and more offensive than you can imagine, so I laughed.  I laughed alot.  Based on the Comedy Central cult hit TV show, Strangers With Candy is for anyone who thinks sitcoms and mainstream comedy is too predictable and nice (the hipsters who think they are too cool for Everybody Loves Raymond).  Nothing is out of bounds, so be ready for a raunchy time.  

While the movie is full of great cameos from Sarah Jessica Parker, Allison Janney, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Matthew Broderick (who plays a large role in the film), the focus is on the offbeat humor of Sedaris.  She equally is hilarious and cringe inducing as she plays the most vile human being on the planet with plenty of off color, gross jokes, which sometimes hit the mark, and sometimes fall flat.  However, she never has a moment of fear as Sedaris goes for an over-the-top performance that is needed to make the crazy character come to life.  However, the focus isn’t always on her the way it should be.   

Co-star and co-writer Stephen Colbert has a funny role as a science teacher who doesn’t exactly believe in science (a role he created on the TV show), but the part is too big and takes away from Jerry’s epic journey.  I know he’s a huge star now, but some restraint was needed to stop Strangers With Candy from becoming The Colbert Report: The Movie.  Colbert’s story is a nice sub-plot, but too often takes over the movie, leaving the central character off to the side for too long, and making feel like we were watching 2 movies instead of 1.   

Fans will be excited and satisfied with Strangers With Candy, while non-fans will get a chance to see what all the hype was about. 

 3 Waffles (Out Of 4)

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