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by Willie Waffle

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Reno 911: Miami

I’m a fan of the Comedy Central show, and had great expectations for the movie version, but, as I watched Reno 911: Miami, I was reminded that these are the same guys who wrote Herbie Fully Loaded, The Pacifier and Jimmy Fallon’s Taxi.  Uh-oh.  Maybe they were saving their best material for this movie?  No.      

Thomas Lennon stars as Lt. James Dangle – commander of a police force more incompetent than the Keystone Cops and Police Academy combined.  They have been invited to a police convention in Miami Beach that sounds like fun in the sun, but they might be surprised with what awaits them (just like the guys from Police Academy 5: Assignment: Miami Beach were).  While they are shut out of the convention hall, a bio-terror attack takes place inside, forcing the quarantine of over 2000 police officers, including the entire Miami Beach police force.

Can the Reno sheriffs protect and serve Miami, while also catching the people behind the heinous attack before it is too late?

Instead of creating a movie, the Reno 911 gang has made a dumber version of their TV show, while adding curse words and nudity, which is what I would expect from 10-year olds.  In between some funny stuff, and a few cameos ranging from A-list to D-list, Reno 911: Miami is a movie that needs better dialogue and a series of scenes that actually care about the plot. 

Most of the time, much like the TV show, we follow the antics of the sheriffs as they go from crime scene to crime scene in COPS documentary style, but these cops can’t seem to do anything right, which is the joke that gets beaten into the ground.  They mainly rely on shock sight gags that work from time to time, and plenty of gross out humor that rarely works. 

By now, all of the actors have fully fleshed out their characters, but none add something new and exciting, while no one seems to be working all that hard.  The funniest moments in the movie rely on good dialogue, and revealing how idiotic these people are or how they are outsiders in this world, but co-writer Lennon and co-writer/director Ben Garant (who plays Junior in the movie and TV program) don’t provide enough of those moments.  A movie version of the TV show was a chance to seek new horizons, go where the crew has never gone before or tell a story of epic scope, but Garant, Lennon and the rest would rather rely on jokes about vomit, excrement and masturbation. 

1 ½ Waffles (Out Of 4)                

Reno 911: Miami is rated R for sexual content, nudity, crude humor, language and drug use 

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