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Punch Drunk Love

This is the movie that many movie fans and critics have been waiting for since Adam Sandler made The Wedding Singer. In that film, Sandler showed that he had something in him. His talent extended beyond acting loud, rude and stupid. There was a sweet side, and an intelligent side in this young comic, but, as the theory goes, he wanted to cash in while he could before going for an acting challenge. Punch Drunk Love is that acting challenge (and he succeeds), but the rest of the movie needs help.

Sandler stars as Barry - a salesman with seven sisters and some sort of mental problems. He is prone to rage and extreme sadness, which causes him to withdraw from society. The family is worried about him, but one of the sisters hopes that she can help by setting him up on a date with Lena (Emily Watson).

Will love solve Barry's problems? Can he handle the big trouble he has brought on himself?

Punch Drunk Love reminds me of a French impressionist film, when it should be a simple romance or straight ahead comedy. Director/writer Paul Thomas Anderson seems to be trying to be artistic, but it comes off as weird. In a way, it's a maddening film that leaves the audience waiting for something that never arrives. The tone is very odd, almost tense, and maybe that's supposed to convey Barry's own confusion and mental problems, but it is not a comfortable moviegoing experience.

Punch Drunk Love feels like 2 movies. One is an oddball, unconventional romance between two people who are struggling with life. The other, is a battle between one man and people trying to take advantage of him. Either one could have been very good on its own, but cramming both together doesn't give either a chance to grow. The romance between Barry and Lena feels rushed and could have been better developed. Barry's problems could be better examined and fleshed out. However, Anderson tries to carry both storylines together with little tying them together.

Sandler was very good in this role, and a better movie would have brought more attention to his performance. While it is not an enormous stretch for him, the role does require a softer touch and more restraint from him. Sandler is a good romantic lead, and even better as the troubled man. This movie will not be the huge success that he may have dreamed of, but I hope he continues down this path. Sandler could be a great comedian-turned-actor like Robin Williams.

Punch Drunk Love is an experiment, but not all experiments yield successful results. Grade: C-

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