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by Willie Waffle


Ellen Page stars as Juno MacGuff – a 16-year old pregnant Minnesota girl.  As you can imagine, this acerbic kid is not ready to be a mother, but she’s also not willing to get an abortion, so Juno seeks out a loving couple who wants to adopt. 

It looks too good to be true when she meets the financially successful Vanessa (Jennifer Garner) and Mark (Jason Bateman), but will everyone still want to go through with the adoption when the baby is born?  What about the father’s reaction?    

Lots of people will say Juno is this year’s Little Miss Sunshine, but that is because the two are similarly amazing.  Writer Diablo Cody has filled Juno with tart dialogue that entertains the audience, and makes us laugh, but always gives us an insight into the character speaking it and the pain they are going through.  It’s hard to find laughs in the middle of such a serious situation, but Cody has a wonderful way of exploring family, marriage, the difficulties of growing up, and the challenge of being an adult with amazingly descriptive dialogue that feels like real conversations you could hear while eavesdropping on the people in your neighborhood.  She and director Jason Reitman have created the right kind of quirky movie, which feels natural, and comes from the rhythm and vibe of the movie instead of desperate attempts to be quirky.  Even when you are laughing out loud, Juno never loses its heart and soul in the process.       

The cast also is one of the best you will find in any movie this year.  Page is one of the best young actresses to come along in a few decades and is more amazing without dialogue than she is with it.  She’ll break your heart with Juno’s pained reaction to her father’s comments or the look in her eyes when she tries to make a joke to get out of an uncomfortable situation.  Bateman is better than ever, but it’s Garner who is surprisingly impressive as we see her bring Vanessa’s desperation for motherhood to the screen.

Juno is one of the best movies of 2007.  See it as soon as you can.

4 Waffles (Out of 4)

Juno is rated PG-13 for mature thematic material, sexual content and language. 

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