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by Willie Waffle

Delta Farce

No one expects Delta Farce to compete with The Godfather or Titanic for Academy Awards supremacy, but you would expect everyone involved to try harder to be funnier.

Larry the Cable Guy stars as Larry – a newly unemployed worker whose girlfriend got pregnant by another man.  Bill Engvall is his buddy, Bill - a henpecked husband who makes a living winning frivolous lawsuits.  The third man in this trio of stooges is Everett (DJ Qualls) – a security guard living in his storage locker after getting fired from the local police force.  All three amigos serve in the National Guard, so they can play with heavy artillery and hang out at Hooters one weekend every month, but, to their shock and awe, Larry, Bill and Everett get called up to serve in Fallujah, Iraq.  Of course, there is a mix up along the way, and they unknowingly get dumped in the middle of Mexico, and think the local bandits terrorizing a small little town might be Al Qaeda.

Will they realize they are in Mexico?  Will they stop the bandits?  Will they start an international incident?

Delta Farce is a movie where almost everyone is on cruise control.  Director CB Harding points the camera at Larry, Engvall and Qualls as they attempt some average slapstick comedy and attempt to make the silliest faces they can, while sometimes resorting to silly costumes.  Writers Bear Aderhold and Tom Sullivan provide a bare bones script with the simplest of stories, characters and dialogue, then repeat almost every joke, sometimes more than once, as they attempt to stretch it out to a full 90-minutes like a D-student high school kid attempting to meet his 10-page requirement on a paper (maybe they should have adjusted the margins and increased the size of the font).  Then, the entire cast falls into their stereotypical and cliché roles as we move from predictable plot development to even more cliché plot twist (I don’t think you can even call it a plot twist when it is this obvious and half-hearted, but go with it).                      

Sadly, even the most diehard fans of Engvall and Larry the Cable Guy will see the shortcomings of Delta Farce.  Both are very funny stand up comedians, especially Larry, but none of their respective acts show up in the movie, so they just decide to play along like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. might in a Rat Pack movie designed to let them play the night away off set instead of working very hard during the day on the movie set.  Sure, you will laugh at some jokes, but most don’t register much of a smile or a chuckle. 

1 Waffle (Out Of 4)   

Delta Farce is rated PG-13 for crude and sexual humor 

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