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by Willie Waffle

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The Condemned

I have mentioned this before, but the movie critic life is not all Spider-Man premieres, contemplating which films will win Oscars, and interviews with hot babes like Laura Linney, Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon.  Sometimes, it means you are sitting in a movie theater with no air conditioning (which must be registering something like 85 degrees because it made me SERIOUSLY think about taking off my pants to cool down), smelling some sort of rotting hot dog relish for two hours (because the odor has permeated the entire area and somehow ended up in my nostrils FOREVER), and wondering why some moron brought his pregnant wife and 3-year old child to an R-rated movie full of violence, blood and brutal hand-to-hand combat (will I see this lovely cherub on the news some day for beating his parents to death?).  Yes, for a night, while watching The Condemned, I felt like one of the condemned, but not so much because of the movie.

Stone Cold Steve Austin stars as Jack – a mysterious death row prisoner brought in at the last moment to complete the cast for what promises to be the most violent, repulsive reality program ever.  Producer Ian Breckel (Robert Mammone) has found 10 death row inmates from third world prisons around world, placed them on a remote island, and told them the one who is still alive after 30 hours will be granted his or her freedom.  Of course, the island is full of cameras to broadcast the death match on the internet to those willing to pay $50. 

Will Jack be able to survive, so he can get back to those he loves?  Who is this guy anyway? 

The Condemned is all about the cheesy dialogue, loud pounding music, and Stone Cold Steve Austin growling, scowling and looking mean, while the women in the movie run around in tight tank tops designed to show off their ample décolletage.  Knowing that going in, you’ll probably accept the movie for what it is, and find some entertainment among all of the mayhem. 

However, The Condemned is a movie that wants to have its cake and eat it, too.  On the one hand, director/co-writer Scott Wiper understands this is a movie about the violence, how each character may meet their demise, highlighting Stone Cold in action, and letting the actors enjoy their delivery of dialogue designed to make us laugh more than move or shock us (especially Vinnie Jones as the over-the-top, chew-up-the-scenery Brit menace who makes you appreciate his almost completely comedic take on the character.). 

In that respect, The Condemned delivers what you expect, most of the time.  Most of Austin’s fight scenes are incomprehensible and impossible to follow as Wiper shoots them with the steadiness of a cameraman fresh out of rehab who is still suffering from the tremors.  It’s blurry and the camera shakes so much you don’t see what is happening, which cheats Austin, who is a professional wrestler who can excel with the choreographed fight scenes (even if he does have an injured neck that limits him). 

Sure, this movie has a very familiar plot (I found it very reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Running Man, while others have pointed out it is quite like Battle Royale), but the action can be decent enough, Stone Cold makes for a traditional tough talking hero (who doesn’t have much acting range, but who cares for this movie), and we have a clear idea of who are the good guys, and who are the bad guys.  They even make some attempts at making it more interesting by exploring Jack’s real background, so give ‘em points for trying, but take a few points away for cramming most of the death scenes into the last 30 minutes of The Condemned instead of pacing it and spacing everything out better.         

Yet, Wiper and his co-writer Rob Hedden also throw a plot point and theme into The Condemned which is about the shame people who made such a violent internet program should feel as they exploit a public full of blood lust, and the shame people who watch this should feel for seeing it all as entertainment.  Isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black?  Do Hedden and Wiper think they have any right to take the moral high ground as heinousness is portrayed on the screen with zeal and in ways to encourage the crowd to applaud?  Is anyone going to The Condemned because Stone Cold Steve Austin is the next Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington or George Clooney?  Do we expect to see Austin at the Oscars this year for this movie?  NO!!!!! (but you know he would totally hit it off with Helen Mirren, I would pay to see that)  They made a movie about how people die violently and sold tickets to people who want to see other people die violently (and, in their minds, die in cool ways).      

The Condemned might have been better if it embraced what it was, avoided trying to have a serious moral and heavy examination that is hollow considering the circumstances, and hired a better camera person who wouldn’t make me feel like I got off The Cyclone at Coney Island.  You’ll laugh at the right moments, react with shock and horror at the most violent of scenes and promise your girlfriend/wife you will accompany her to the next Reese Witherspoon or Julia Roberts romantic comedy. 

1 ½ Waffles (Out Of 4)    

The Condemned is rated R for pervasive strong brutal violence and for language. 

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