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It's one of the best movies of the year, yet it's hard to describe. That's what makes it so good. Adaptation is not a conventional film that can be pigeonholed into a specific genre, and it doesn't have a plot that is reminiscent of any movie you have seen before.

Nicolas Cage stars as Charlie Kauffman - the writer of Being John Malkovich who has been hired to adapt the famous Susan Orlean novel, The Orchid Thief, for the big screen. It's a huge opportunity, and one that Charlie is extremely worried about. He is feeling fat, bald, unattractive to women, neurotic, and generally off his game. The fear causes him to get a bad case of writer's block, which is only exacerbated by his desire to write the greatest screenplay ever, while his twin brother, Donald (also Nicolas Cage), has decided to write his own movie.

Will Charlie be able to write the film's screenplay?

Adaptation is an intellectually stimulating movie full of interesting sub-plots, and scenes that traverse time and space. It challenges the audience to follow along at their own peril. You can't miss a moment of this film, or you will miss out on its brilliance. From the opening inner monologue where Charlie reveals his fears to the closing credits that include a hilarious tribute that hardcore movie fans will love, Kauffman and director Spike Jonze take you on a wild ride.

Kauffman's script is one of the best, maybe THE best of the year. It brilliantly takes real life elements such as Susan Orlean, her book and the people associated with Being John Malkovich, and takes liberties that lead to outrageous hilarity. It's full of amazing inner monologues from Charlie that help explain the character better than any dialogue could, plus it takes you on a ride from LA to Florida and in between that is better than any road trip movie this year. It's witty, funny, intelligent and entertaining. Luckily, the script is in the hands of some talented people who make sure it doesn't go to waste.

Cage is wonderful as the aging screenwriter and his twin brother. I haven't seen him play a role like this, and it's certainly one of his best performances since Leaving Las Vegas. He brings a life and energy to the character that has been absent from many of his recent performances, and captures the naïve idiocy of Donald. Cage tosses aside all preconceived notions and lets Charlie's worst traits shine through.

I also loved Chris Cooper's performance as John Laroche - the orchid thief and subject of the Orlean's book. While he is a redneck, Cooper also brings some intelligence and a Zen-like philosophical aspect to him. He captures Laroche's odd charisma and makes it believable that someone would want to write a book about him.

Adaptation is a sure fire winner, and a movie that you must see. Grade: A

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