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by Willie Waffle

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Volver is a movie with lots of stuff happening, but you have to wonder how it’s all supposed to go together, or maybe it’s not, just like life itself.

Penelope Cruz stars as Raimunda – a woman with troubles.  Her mother, Irene (Carmen Maura), and father died in a horrible fire years ago, but Raimunda’s elderly Aunt claims Irene is living with her and taking care of her, which fuels plenty of rumors around their small village about Irene’s ghost walking among them.  The dear friend who looks after her Aunt, Agustina (Blanca Portillo), has come down with cancer, and desperately wants to find her missing mother before it’s too late.  Raimunda’s husband has lost his job, and starts conducting himself in dangerous ways, and her sister, Sole (Lola Duenas) is just plain acting weird (Amazingly enough, I have only touched on about half of the plots and sub-plots in that description). 

Volver is a movie that wildly alternates between funny, inspirational, whimsical, dramatic, darkly humorous and tear-jerking, and still somehow, writer/director Pedro Almodovar makes it all fit together.  The audience is taken through this full range of emotions by a wonderfully talented cast led by the best performance Cruz has given in years, but I am not convinced it is the Oscar-worthy turn some have been promoting it to be. 

She is very good, but I don’t see that one amazing, blow-you-away, steal the show kind of moment that wins an Oscar (and her ridiculously phony lip synching job when singing in one scene has to be held against her, I’m just petty and nitpicky like that).  More than any of the other actors in the ensemble, Cruz has to deal with most of the extremely different tones and plot twists, and handles it all with ease, but the movie itself seems to go on and on with plot twists thrown in that extend the movie more than make it better.

Volver is a solid movie, and one Almodovar fans will cherish. 

3 Waffles (Out Of 4)

Volver is rated R for some sexual content and language  

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