21 Jump Street
3 Waffles!

I am ashamed at how much I laughed at this movie.

Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum star as Schmidt and Jenko - two former high school acquaintances (OK, Jenko used to pick on Schmidt, alot) who end up together at the police academy seven years later. Schmidt is the brains and Jenko is the brawn, so they partner up, but each one lacks the maturity and ability the job requires. Because of this, and an arrest gone horribly bad, the two are assigned to 21 Jump Street - an undercover group of youthful cops who work as narcs at local high schools.

Can Jenko and Schmidt find and bust whoever is dealing a new synthetic drug to kids?

Don't worry if you never saw the original 21 Jump Street with Johnny Depp (or you weren't even born when it was on TV back in the ancient 80's). This 21 Jump Street makes some allusions to the first one, but forges its own path.

While the movie can be quite juvenile (which will make you laugh from time to time, and feel ashamed each time), 21 Jump Street is best when it is a cop movie parody.

Ice Cube is the most hilarious angry police captain you have ever seen by underplaying the cliché just enough to make you laugh, while also making the character a bit more real. His performance, combined with some strong dialogue from writer Michael Bacall, becomes anything but cliché.

Tatum gets strong laughs as the guy who has been cool all of his life suddenly finding himself as one of the school's outcastes. As I have mentioned, Tatum is growing on me as an actor (notice how I haven't mentioned the Abs of Steel yet?). He has a great comedic, deadpan delivery he infuses with a bit of moron that had me doubled over in laughter more than once.

Make no mistake about it. Tatum is not a moron. The moron is the person who underestimates this rising star.

Explosions, car chases, interactions with perps and more are skewered the right way. Not only do directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller, along with the entire cast, make the most of those moments we have seen too many times, they fill 21 Jump Street with a welcome exuberance.

21 Jump Street is rated R for crude and sexual content, pervasive language, drug material, teen drinking and some violence